Join PCS anti-racism and anti-fascism webinar on 15 August

With far-right violence and ideas on the rise, members are encouraged to attend our anti-racism anti-fascism webinar on Thursday 15 August.

The appalling violence that we have seen across the UK in recent weeks means that it is urgent that we review our current approach to educating reps and members on racism and intolerance. 

Education is key to developing a trade union response to the far-right threat in our communities and workplaces and we have created a short, hour-long anti-racism and anti-fascism webinar to be held on 15 August from 5:30-6:30pm. Please register online.

The webinar will be recorded and made available to PCS members after the event.

We are developing further learning sessions that will incorporate the new 2024 “International Rise of the Far Right & Building the Trade Union response” TUC training material.

The current version of the ARAF strategy (2022) gives context for the rise of the far-right ideas and groups, provides a list of key aims and objectives, signposts to useful guidance and resources, highlights PCS’s training resources, gives basic guidance on tackling racism in the workplace, and reminds members of general security issues if they intend to campaign against the far-right. We will be issuing our new 2024 anti-racist anti-fascist (ARAF) strategy later this month to take into account the changing nature of the far-right threat. ARAF is reviewed and published every two years.

We encourage you to discuss these issues in your branches, groups and regions, to make use of the resources, and to take the opportunity to use our new training available to tackle racism where it occurs in the workplace.

Our Racism & Intolerance: Changing Attitudes in the Workplace course on 18 October is now open for registration. This one-day workshop helps build confidence in challenging far-right ideas and tackling difficult conversations, and gives you practical campaigning tips.

You can read more about the PCS anti-racism anti-fascism strategy on PCS Knowledge, where you can also find many articles on combating racism in the workplace.