ISS members’ threat of action achieves better pay and terms

The improved offer was made following the threat of sustained strike action by members working at the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero.

PCS members at ISS, who provide security and cleaning services for the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) have voted in favour of a new pay deal that will see them gain an inflation beating raise of 4.125, and also gain the same leave entitlement to holidays and sick pay as their civil service colleagues.

The members were prepared to take sustained strike action if management did not agree to improvements in their pay, terms and conditions.

PCS members working for ISS have welcomed the deal and recognise the importance of being members of PCS. One member said, “We know we would never have achieved this without our union.”

There have recently been a number of strikes involving workers in the privatised/outsourced facilities management areas, including G4S security guards in DWP.

PCS general secretary Fran Heathcote said: “This significant win wouldn’t have occurred without the threat of sustained strike action from a group of members prepared to stand up for themselves.

“While we welcome the win and the move to parity on leave, we demand the government goes further and brings all outsourced workers back in-house on the same terms and conditions as their colleagues.”

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