Health and Safety Resources lunchtime meeting

Join our meeting on Thursday 29 August, designed especially for those keen on enhancing safety knowledge and resources.

We will be holding an online meeting on Microsoft Teams on Thursday 29 August from 12:30 - 1:30 for health and safety reps. At the meeting we will give an overview of the extensive health and safety materials available. We will show you how you can access these valuable resources to support your role.

This meeting isn't just about sharing resources,  it’s also your chance to provide feedback. Tell us what safety-related information you find helpful, what formats work best, and where you’d prefer to access it. Get to know other PCS health and safety reps and talk with members of the PCS national health and safety committee.

Who should attend?

Although this event is mainly targeted at health and safety reps, anyone interested in safety is encouraged to join. Your input can help shape how we improve access to important health and safety information.

How to join the meeting

Join the online meeting via MS Teams.

Don’t miss this opportunity to have your voice heard and to gain insights that can enhance workplace safety.