Further strike action announced on the DWP G4S contract

Members will take two more weeks’ strike action in their dispute over pay.

PCS has served a further two weeks’ notice of strike action for the weeks beginning Monday 12 and Monday 26 August in support of the dispute involving members working on the G4S DWP contract.

This comes in addition to the successful strike action that started on 17 June on a week on, week off basis. The action has been incredibly disruptive to DWP who have been forced to close offices and jobcentres and reduce services as a result of the walk-outs, which have been in conjunction with members in the GMB.

G4S have attempted to mitigate the impact of the strike action by deploying workers from other areas or from agencies (potentially unlawfully) at a significant extra cost.

PCS general secretary Fran Heathcote said: “Our members risk their own safety to keep DWP staff and the public safe.  They deserve to be paid a decent wage.  It is wrong that G4S refuse to pay this, particularly while taxpayers are funding their profits.  They are a huge multi-national company with substantial assets yet they are paying the minimum wage to their workers.

“It’s time they gave our members the pay and terms and conditions they deserve.”

What you can do

Complete our e-action to support PCS’s demand to the government to bring outsourced work back in-house.

If you believe there are safety concerns arising from this dispute report them to us using the online form.

Make a donation to the hardship fund to help support the strikers: sort code: 60-83-01, account number 20256766, account name: PCS DWP Group Hardship Account.

Please send solidarity messages to dwp@pcs.org.uk

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