Building a Four-Day Week campaign in PCS – new course

Sign up to our newly launched course for union reps.

Most of us would probably like to work a four-day week. But is it achievable, and if so, how do we get there?

There are a great number of concerns and myths around what a four-day week would look like.

PCS has joined forces with the 4-Day Week campaign group to launch a pilot training course to equip reps with all the tools for campaigning on, and winning, a four-day week in your workplace. It will cover:

  • What the four-day week means,
  • Why it makes a great, winnable workplace campaign in your own workplace,
  • What issues can be addressed by working a four-day week,
  • What obstacles might be in the way.

PCS EFRA group organiser, Dan Durcan, says:

“Efra Group is running an impactful four-day week campaign, winning key discussions with the employer and gaining national news coverage. Our success has been due to careful planning, and so I highly recommend this course to anyone planning to launch a four-day week campaign in their workplace”.

Sign up today to secure your place on our campaigning course and find out more.