ATOS TUPE negotiations

Plenty of TUPE machinations, writes John Bottoms, Atos Durham Lead Rep

Atos PCS Glasgow, Durham and Lytham reps will be involved in various TUPE transition meetings in the coming months.

Atos Business to Business was lost to Sopra Steria. Talks have stalled while all stakeholders work out how the transition will go as smoothly as possible and Atos were given a 12-month extension as a result. This proves how hard it is for a new company to come in and take over a long-standing operation.

Atos also lost the NS&I back office work to Sopra Steria with transition talks to take place later this year. The contract is due to start March 2025 - watch this space!

The devil of course is in the detail

The IAS(PIP) – now called FAS - contract has been split three ways with transition talks coming to an end soon. PCS as always is conscious of members keeping all their contractual rights. Talks overall have gone well with the devil of course being in the detail. This is why after TUPE has finished support from PCS is greater than ever.

I’m currently working with Jim Knotts, PCS industrial officer, on how we split PCS PIP into three separate units and hopefully grow the PSMA in doing this.

What we need to do is hold Labour to their word if they get into power. Labour have promised to take underperforming, outsourced contracts back in-house with the largest Insourcing ever seen. PCS believes that any profit to be made from public contracts should be used to improve workers’ pay and conditions and improve services.