Protest and Picnic in the Park - Support the G4S Strikers

Start date
End date
Caxton House & St James's Park
Who's it for
PCS members in London & South East

Please join the 'PCS Protest & Picnic in the Park' on Wednesday 14 August and show solidarity with striking G4S workers.

PCS members working as security guards at DWP sites and Jobcentres, alongside their colleagues in GMB Union, have been on strike every other week since 17 June, with more action planned.

These union members risk their own safety to keep DWP staff and the public safe, they deserve to be paid a wage they can live on. G4S are a huge multi-national company with substantial assets, yet they only pay the minimum wage to their staff. (Complete our e-action to support PCS’s demand that the government bring outsourced work back in-house).

These exploited workers risk their safety every day serving the public, and now they are showing their determination and courage on their vibrant and well-attended picket lines.

G4S strikers working in and around London will be holding a 'Protest & Picnic'. There will be picket lines across the country on the morning of the 14th August. Strikers and those wishing to show solidarity are then invited to:

  • Protest outside Caxton House (DWP HQ) - 11am
  • Protest outside G4S Offices - 11.30am
  • Picnic in St James's Park - from 12pm

Registration in not compulsory, but we would appreciate it if you could complete the very short form below so we can get a idea of numbers that will be attending. 

Where possible, we advise members to bring something for lunch and something to sit on (camping chairs, blankets etc.)

If you play music or write poetry etc, please feel free to bring instruments and other things with you to provide entertainment.

Event Address

Caxton House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NA