Italy and Trade Unions

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Voices from Other Countries

Continuing on from online activist meetings on abortion in the US and the situation in Iran, the union has organised a lunch time meeting with a trade unionist from Italy on 28 Feb from 12.30-13.30, on MS Teams.

Nicoletta Grieco will describe the response of trade unions in Italy to the cost of living crisis, the election of a hard right government and what that means for unions and the government’s weaponisation of migrants.

Unfortunately, this is not only happening in Italy but in Sweden as well. We will be arranging a future meeting with a trade unionist from that country as well. We are also in talks with Ukrainian trade unionists for a meeting with them.

Microsoft Teams meeting meeting ID: 341 836 940 541, passcode: DGaDcf.

Join with a video conferencing deviceVideo Conference ID: 124 564 473 3

Or call in (audio only) - +44 20 4551 9448,,9558843# Phone Conference ID: 955 884 3#