World Lupus Day - 10 May

Friday 10 May is World Lupus Day which aims to raise awareness and promote acceptance for those living with the condition.

Lupus is an autoimmune condition which causes muscle and joint pain, can result in visible differences and can have other serious health consequences. Workers with the condition should be protected by disability legislation, and are entitled to receive protections in the workplace to help them manage their condition and ensure that they receive fair treatment.

Lupus is a trade union issue

Lupus is a concern for trade unionists as a matter of disability rights, women’s rights and for Black members. Women are estimated to make up around 90% of those with the condition, and it also disproportionately affects black women.

PCS advocates for workers' rights across various strands, including disability, gender, and race. By addressing the intersectional challenges faced by individuals with lupus, we can contribute to creating more inclusive and equitable workplaces where all workers, regardless of health status, gender, or race, can thrive and succeed.

Adopting the social model of disability, we know that workers are disabled not by the conditions they have, but by the systems of society which create barriers for those workers. It is vital that, as trade unionists, we support those who have the condition and hold employers to account for failing to take steps to protect workers with the condition.

We have produced a guide to Lupus on PCS Digital and you can find out more about World Lupus Day by visiting the Lupus UK website.