ARMs London meeting

Start date
End date
Room GN2, PCS HQ
Who's it for

This is an invitation to ARMs London members to attend two important meetings, which will be held consecutively on 29 May from 1.30pm in room GN2, PCS HQ. Members unable to attend in person may join via Zoom, see button below, meeting ID: 984 0534 6291, passcode: 958481.

Meeting 2: Emergency General Meeting (EGM)

Agenda: ARMS Constitution for London Region.

As the London Region does not currently hold a ratified constitution, agreement of the meeting only requires a simple majority. Once agreed by our members, the constitution will need to be ratified by the ARMS National Committee.

Any subsequent amendments to an agreed constitution will require a two-thirds majority.

Please see proposed constitution, which conforms to the national model.

Meeting 2: Mandating Meeting


  1. Issues outstanding from London AGM:
    1. Election of Auditors
    2. Election of Delegate to the National Forum
  2. Motions to London ARMS
  3. Emergency Motions to National Forum.
  4. Motions to National Forum

Following the EGM we shall hold our Mandating Meetings where members can discuss motions on the agenda for the ARMS National Forum. We shall also pick up issues outstanding from our Annual General Meeting.


You are invited to submit the following nominations for London ARMS

  • Auditors (2 vacancies)
  • Delegate to ARMS National Forum (1)

 You are invited to submit nomination for National ARMS

  • Auditor (1 vacancy)


You are invited to submit motions for London ARMS, you may also submit Emergency Motions for submission to the Forum. Emergency Motion must relate to issues that have arisen since the closing date of motions for the National Forum, which was 7 March 2024.

Please submit nominations and motions to to arrive by end of 19 May 2024.

Event Address

160 Falcon Road, London SW11 2LN.